Saturday, January 3, 2009

Do Not Be Fearful of The Future If you Know ?

Listen, you only need to look up for the time is coming soon, our life is coming to a turning point. You see, the time for thinking about your life is upon you. Do not be fearful my brothers and sisters; keep your faith as you look forward into a future that is being fulfilled in prophecy of the BIBLE.

You who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour, yes you need to think about a decision. In the not to distance future you are going to be confronted with things that you must make a desision. The way is straight and his Word is Truth. But it is a time of Happiness that the end is only the Beginning of the Change in this world, as far as Prophecy is concerned. His Word will be fulfilled and we will be looking up and watching.

Even in the time he was here on this earth and preached the Word. They said he never missed a point to bring to light of all the Prophecy he fullfiled in his coming! The Time is close we need to think about our Salvation. Do you know him? Does he live within your heart?. Blessed be the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

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